Why I am?
I should probably start by listing my personal achievements, but I believe that when choosing a coach, it is crucial to focus on shared values and humanity.
We are definitely a good fit for collaboration if you value the following principles:
Equality - We are both equally important, and we both have the right to our own opinions.
Fairness - You consider those around you and rely on facts in different situations.
Continuous self-improvement – Avoiding stagnation is key for you. It hinders progress.
The power of commitment – You understand that promises and taking responsibility have tremendous power. Keeping your word can be challenging at times, but it's important to stick to your commitments. However, new agreements are always allowed.
Personal space – You value moments where it's just you and your desires. The opportunity to be free from external influences or other people's opinions.
Depth – What matters to you is not only what is on the surface but rather what lies deeper and shapes the world differently.
Individuality – You know that everyone is unique with their victories and challenges, and it's important to acknowledge that.
Achievement – Achieving something significant for yourself motivates you even more to accomplish more.